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Celebration of the Feast of the Annunciation in Lebanon

In celebration of the Feast of the Annunciation in Lebanon, the only country in the world to have a joint Christian-Moslem national holiday, a meeting was held by the “Islamic-Christian Meeting around Our Lady Mary” and NGO “Healing the Wounds of History” on Sunday, 26 of March 2017, at The Garden of Forgiveness in Beirut.…

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HWH Helps Spring Emerge with Another Journey of Forgiveness!

Over the weekend of 24,25,26th March, 2017,  with the facilitation of Alexandra Asseily, Psychotherapist and founder of Healing the Wounds of History  and Mathew Pruen, Hoffman Institute  Coach, a group of  Syrian teachers, Lebanese coaches and healers, and a few who came specially from UK,  gathered for  another workshop of Healing the Wounds of History.…

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Healing the Wounds of History: Module II Year 4

The challenges faced by Lebanon and the region are self-evident. Cycles of violence have played out repeatedly through the ages. All of this is well documented, but what is less obvious, is how the battles of the past can stay dormant within us from generation to generation, flaring up in moments of perceived threat. And…

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Historians’ Strategies for Approaching Evidence and Exploring Change and ‎Continuity

“Historians’ strategies for approaching evidence and exploring change and ‎continuity‎” is the workshop that was organized by the Centre for Lebanese Studies in collaboration with the Lebanese Association for History. The workshop was facilitated by Bassel Akar, Maha Shuayb, Jihane Francis, and Amira Al Hariri. For two full days, participants experimented with the disciplinary approach…

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